June 4th 2018
/Farm News 6/4/2018
Happy to be writing to you on this rainy day. Its been a sunny spring! As gardeners we are learning to find an appropriate awareness of the weather as it pertains to the plants. We’ve accepted that it is totally beyond our control, and usually worthless to worry about it. That being said, there is something appreciated in the way a rainy day gives us permission to relax for a minute.
The plants are all in the ground at this point. They always seem a bit fragile for a few weeks until they really take root. They are seemingly vulnerable to pests and drying out, although its always fairly amazing what they’ll go through and survive. The first rounds of peas are flowering, which means fruit will soon follow.
The morning here was spent seeding our fall crops into trays, they will go into the garden in mid-July for harvest in September and October. The early crops like snap peas and beans will free up garden space once their time is done. Even though we haven’t officially entered summer, in the plant world we are always preparing for the season ahead.
The turtles have begun their annual week-long appearance. We are taking a more relaxed approach, leaving them to lay their eggs in our compost piles, and garden aisles. The past few years we frantically carried them back to the pond on aluminum shovels in fear of them digging up our new transplants. No easy task, as they each must weigh upwards of 30lbs, and lurch and snap while being transported. So far, they have done minimal damage, and seem content to lay their eggs and head back to the safety of the pond.
The C.S.A. starts the last week in June! There will be a reminder email before the first pickup. Thanks!
See you all soon.
Natalie and Kyle