C.S.A. Week 1
Welcome to the first CSA pickup of 2018. We are excited to have a number of new members this year and to be offering a pickup at our farm in Cornish, Maine in addition to our Earle Farm pickup.
Things to know about the CSA:
1. Please bring bags or a basket to take your share home in.
2. The share follows the seasonal flow of the farm. It will start out with LOTS of greens and move into more varied hardier items like root crops, squashes, and tomatoes.
3. We harvest the share the day of the pickup and really take pride in giving you fresh produce. If you can’t make a pickup, ask a friend to pick up for you! We only need to know if your share will not be picked up on any given week.
4. We will post a weekly produce list here on Tuesday nights. Feel free to comment with a favorite recipe to share with other members.
In this weeks share:
Sugar Snap Peas
Bok Choi
Garlic Scapes
Head Lettuce
Swiss Chard
Veronica Cauliflower
Simple Uses:
Our favorite early summer dinner is:
Cut Snap Peas, Cauliflower, and Bok Choi into chunks. Sautée lightly in a pan with oil. Cut garlic scapes into tiny slices and sauté in a separate pan until lightly brown. Add all ingredients to a grain like quinoa or couscous and top with your favorite salad dressings and a sprinkle of feta cheese. If your feeling more ambitious about eating your daily dose of greens add all of the above on top of a bowl of lettuce and enjoy as a delicious dinner salad.