SUMMER 2024 C.S.A.
Please see the blog for example produce lists in past years, and/or check us out on instagram.
2024 Summer C.S.A.
Our summer 2023 free choice style CSA was a success. In the main part of the season, we were often able to lay out 15 items and typically allowed members to choose 8 often incorporating optional pick your own flowers and basil as a bonus. In moments of surpus(which were less than normal with such a wet summer) we offered extra bonus items. We hope to use this same model for summer 2024 with hopefully some more additional pick your own options.
Pickup at Hosac Farm Thursdays 3-6 pm
We chose to raise our prices this year because of our rising input costs, thank you for understanding and choosing to support our farm, we are grateful for all of our members
Full Share Cost: 500.00 for 14 weeks Late June-October
Summer Share Cost 300.00 for 8 weeks July-September
Flower share 200.00 for about 8 to 10 weeks of a weekly fresh bouquet (this is separate from the pick your own flowers we hope to offer if we are in surplus).
If you would like to be an occasional member or do pickup every other week, please reach out to us directly.
Hosac Farm is in its 11th summer in vegetable production. Hosac Farm is MOFGA organic certified as of 2018, The fee for our sized farm set by MOFGA is 1400$ annually. Neighboring states such as New Hampshire offer certifying through the USDA for about $100 This option is unavailable in Maine, MOFGA is the sole certifying option. Hosac Farm is working on improving the structure of the soil through the use of compost made on the farm from green matter and manure from the horse and sheep. The hope is for the farm to stay small enough that most of the work can be done by hand and minimal small equipment, and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. We grow here on our home farm and as of 2021 at formerly “Berry Ledge Farm” just down the hill from us on rt 5 in Cornish. We are affectionately calling this space “Lower Hosac”.
You will be enjoying produce along with the flow of the season on the farms.
Sign Up: Use the form below and then mail a check before the first pickup to:
Hosac Farm 136 Kimball Hill Rd. Cornish, ME 04020
or email Natalie with questions.