C.S.A. week 9

Onions, Onions, Onions. Today we spent most of the day harvesting onions from lower Hosac and laying them out to dry in our Seedhouse and garage. Ebyn who works with us on Mondays was here as well as Joyce and Sara. Joyce has been volunteering with us for three years now, and Sara, a neighbor, jumped in for the first time to help today. It was nice to have such a crew, pulling onions into crates, while Kyle spent most of the time carrying the crates to the truck and then making trips delivering them to me in the Seedhouse. We will all smell like onions for at least three days, even after three showers. The onions will dry for about a month, and then the tops will get trimmed off and they will go in bags into our basement for winter storage. Its the first of our big fall harvests and feels really good to have them out of the ground.

Interested in Winter Food, check out our collaborative CSA the foothill farm alliance. www.thefoothillfarmalliance.com

In the share:

  • Cippolini Onions

  • Red Tomatoes

  • Cherry Tomatoes (if you’re feeling overloaded, these can go right into a freezer bag as is for winter soup)

  • Rutabaga

  • Cabbage

  • Green Beans

  • Squash

  • Basil

Oven Roasted Rutabaga


  1. Toss 1 large peeled and cubed rutabaga with 3 tablespoons olive oil, and salt and pepper on a baking sheet. Roast at 425 degrees F until golden and soft, 40 minutes. Toss with 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and chopped parsley.

Rutabaga Fries

  1. 1 rutabaga, peeled and cut into spears

    1 teaspoon olive oil

    4 sprigs fresh rosemary, minced

    3 cloves garlic, minced

    1 pinch salt to taste

    Step 1

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

    Step 2

    Combine rutabaga spears with oil, minced rosemary, garlic, and salt. Toss until evenly coated.

    Step 3

    Lay rutabaga spears onto a baking sheet, leaving space between for even crisping. Bake until rutabaga fries are cooked through and crisped on the outside, about 30 minutes.