Pop up Fall Share
/Hi Everyone
We are basking in this weirdly long warm fall. Running about 4 weeks past the usual first frost date, we still have outdoor eggplant and sweet peppers! Most of the garden is put away into winter storage, and the animals have been released into the big field to clean up, except for a few fenced areas that we are saving.
Pop up share:
10am-12pm @ Earle Farm or Hosac Farm
In the share:
1 bag red head lettuce
1 bunch parsley
2lbs Sweet Potatoes
2lbs Carrots
2lbs Potatoes
`1-2 heads Celery
Some kind(s) of winter squash, likely some choice here
Sweet Peppers
If you would like a share please EMAIL back yes, with your pickup location. I will send out a reminder email about pickup to those who sign up by the end of next week.
Otherwise Happy Fall!