C.S.A. Week 13

We walked outside this morning to see the first patchy frost having touched down on our field. We tend to stay a few degrees warmer here, probably because we are up on a hill and next to a large pond that holds the warmth of the day. In the winter when I use to drive home at night from restaurant work, I would watch the temperature indicator in the car go up sometimes 3-4 degrees as I turned off the main road and climbed Kimball Hill. There is a rock close to shore where we have our dock in the pond, and I watch it every summer as the level drops, its my water height indicator. The rock is more exposed than it has ever been in my short time watching it here, probably about 8 inches are showing, when at the start of spring it is completely submerged. The tops of the beech trees along the pond are starting to turn yellow. It seems early and I wonder if it’s the drought. When I start to worry, I am briefly comforted having learned, trees learn from dry years and are able to adjust their future water use strategies to better adapt to future years. One can only hope that we as humans can do the same.

In the Share:

  • Delicata Winter Squash

  • Sungold Cherry Tomatoes

  • Arcadia Broccoli

  • Carmen Sweet Peppers

  • Boro Beets

  • Nantes Carrots

  • Cippolini Onions
