April Newsletter
/April 21st
The sounds of spring and summer have crept back in over the last month. First the robins and the redwing blackbirds, then the geese, now the peepers in the thawed puddles and ponds, and soon the song birds and crickets will be chirping. It’s amazing how quiet winter really is, we are reminded by this return of all the seasonal creatures. The drenching rain turned everything magically green overnight, and for the first time we are feeling like summer is just around the corner. The seedling house is overflowing with plants for the garden. This week, with night temperatures above freezing, the onions and leeks will be moved outside to make room for the more tender plants inside. We are busy transplanting seedlings up into bigger pots so their roots have more room to grow, and seeding large quantities of things like beets and summer greens into trays. One of the first big outside projects before the garden is ready to work, is pruning and mulching the raspberries. All of last years fruiting canes are dead and need to be removed to make room for the new shoots that will soon be poking out of the ground. We then mulch the beds with wood chips to prevent weeds and feed the soil. In the upcoming weeks, our fence will go up to keep deer out of the garden, and we will be watching for when the ground has dried out enough to start working the soil for planting.
Summer C.S.A. starts in June, if you are interested or have questions please email or sign-up online at www.hosacfarm.com/csa
You can pickup at the Earle Family Farm in Conway, NH on Wednesdays 4-6pm
Hosac Farm in Cornish, ME on Thursdays from 4-6pm
`Natalie and Kyle @ Hosac Farm