April News

Dear Farm Community Members,

As April is nearing its end, we are beginning to really gear up for the farming season.  We have been lucky to participate in a weekly reading group this winter hosted by the Earle Family Farm.  The focus of the group was Biodynamic Farming.  We read and discussed Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Lectures given in June of 1924 at Koberwitz ( which prior to 1945 belonged to Germany).  Biodynamics in a most basic explanation, is a whole farm system, that acknowledges the importance of elemental and cosmic influences on plant and animal life.  The winter felt like a very appropriate time to be visiting and contemplating Steiner’s ideas and thinking about how we can incorporate more of them into our farming practices this season.  During the two years working at the Earle Farm we were exposed to some Biodynamic principles, but this winter allowed us to delve deeper into the philosophy behind the practices.  On the whole it is very humbling to think about all that goes on in the nature world that is beyond what we can see at first glance. 

Another exciting winter development is an event we are planning called “Community Supported Agriculture Through the Arts”.  We have seven farms and seven artists who have agreed to participate.  We have paired each artist with a farm, and they will visit and paint at the farms throughout the upcoming summer and fall season.  The Snowvillage Inn in Eaton, NH has wholeheartedly agreed to host this event for us.  At the close of the season, there will be an Art reception at the Inn on Saturday November 3rd, where all the farmers and artists will be present.  Following the reception, the Inn will be putting on a family style farm-to-table dinner with ingredients sourced from the participating farms.  We are pretty excited to bring together the farm and art communities with this event.  The stronger and more involved our local community is, the stronger our farms and food systems will be. 

That’s all for now.  We are tending to our seedlings in preparation for planting out in the next couple of weeks.  Please help us get more people involved in local agriculture. 

Our 2018 Summer C.S.A. membership is open.  We are doing our usual pickup at the Earle Family Farm Stand on Wednesdays from 4-6pm.  We have also added a new pickup at our farm in Cornish, ME on Thursdays from 4-6pm.  Visit our website to sign up or call or email!  www.hosacfarm.com/csa

Got to get back to the plants and painting!

-Natalie and Kyle (at Hosac Farm)
