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The Farm is located at 136 Kimball Hill Rd in Cornish ME.  The land runs along the shore of Haley Pond, a 50 acre shallow quiet body of water.  The pond itself is at the base of "Hosac Mtn" the highest point in York county.  The name "Hosac" means "Stone Place" in Abenaki.   The Farm is located on a route the native americans used to travel from the ocean to the White Mountains.  It is said they stopped on Haley Pond to rest and camp. 

The farmhouse was built in the early 1800's and was the site of the 1st town meeting of Cornish.  The farm is now home to 1 sheep “Ginger", 1 horse "Stetson", and 2 sheepdogs “Homer" and “Moon”, 2 farm cats “Fred” and “ George” and 2 human children.

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